About us

Agence was founded by Robert Lundahl in Santa Clara, California. Early clients were Tandem/Compaq, Hewlett Packard, Amdahl, and Fujitsu. He later became a long term (15 year) Master Vendor with Sun Microsystems.

As a long held ambition, Mr. Lundahl embarked on the company–first production of a feature documentary film, Unconquering the Last Frontier (Bullfrog Films). (PBS/Cable), on Elwha River dam removal and ecosystem restoration, first in the world.

This began a new chapter in environmental analysis and assessment related to policy change and outreach. Including content marketing from a new and evolving portfolio of clients, including first-ever comparative environmental campaigns for NACHA, Bank of America and Wachovia.

Mr Lundahl is an environmental leader and communicator. He works with Investor Groups and Analysts to provide a realistic view of projects in application impacting the future.

He is affiliated with CUNY/Hunter College Department of Environmental Science and Geography, Greenbelt Society, NYC.

Lundahl’s work in Alaska and elsewhere, on behalf of Native Tribes and groups to enhance ongoing communications is documented via Climate Change is Here™ Podcast Series on Apple Podcasts.

Visit Agence Emmy® Award winning Documentary Filmmaking and Journalism.