
Everybody has a story

Elemental AG/3Tier Egypt Campaign

Value proposition

Elemental AG, 3Tier Technologies. Business strategy, mission statement, capabilities run sheet, video, website, PowerPoint

Elemental AG/3 Tier Mission Statement
Elemental AG International Vision

Blue Circle Branding Identity/Web Presence

Inman Family Wines identity/Web Presence

Inman Family Wines had their best year ever in 2016, with a high level of sales through the website. The year was capped by $17,000 dollars in sales of Rosé in one day to Martha Stewart Omnivision. Ms. Stewart undeniably feels the Inman Brand Presence and website is on par with her very own high standards.

David Hoffman Documentary Filmmaker Identity/Web Presence

Entec Properties Web Presence

Hilldale Capital Web Presence

Upend Communications Web Presence

Empowered Energy Solutions Web Presence ADDY® Award Winner


Who Are My People? Documentary Film Outreach Campaign

Lakota Elders Moccasin Telegraph Project