Culture Change for Business

See the pull down menus for examples of media and narrative (culture) change for business.

Businesses rely on narratives to communicate company vision, marketing objectives, establishment of legacy, and understanding of lineage among other functions.

Narratives that are not well formulated, or poorly communicated, may do great damage to a company and to a company’s business.

Narratives that are well thought out and clearly expressed have the opposite effect.

This “Blast from the Past” defined our world today.

Sun Microsystems’ rapid success at the beginning of the internet era was one example of a coherent narrative that helped drive business and innovation.

RL | A shares this vision with clients as a historic marker of how a company can change an industry, a market, and internal and external perspectives, as a result of successful narratives.
“Internet on Sun: No Barriers,” (1995) with Scott McNealy, Vint Cerf, Mike Homer, Eric Schmidt, Bill Raduchel, and John Gage. Produced and Directed by Robert Lundahl, Written by Dan Schwartz, Production Manager, John Lieske, Cinematography by Tim Metzger and Robert Lundahl, Edited by Bob Sweeney. Narrated by Diane Burkett, Executive Producer for Sun Microsystems, Doug Brightwell.